• Import-Export Customs Agency

    The trusted customs partner

    High-quality services and comprehensive assistance,
    from document preparation to ongoing consultancy.

What we do

Comprehensive customs management:
a single service for all needs

We handle all customs operations, from quoting phase to submitting customs declarations.

Customs Operations

We conduct customs clearance for both imports and exports, delivering comprehensive assistance...

Customs Consultancy

Janusped leverages its expertise in product origin to ascertain the 'MADE IN' designation and the preferential...

Intrastat Forms

The Intrastat Form is a mandatory online declaration for VAT-registered individuals in the EU who...

Certificates of Origin

We electronically submit files for certificates of origin and the legalisation of export documents to the...

Who we are

Since 1994, Janusped has been by your side, providing customs services for import and export,

along with consultancy in international trade, ensuring comprehensive assistance at every stage.

Over the years, numerous companies have placed their trust in us, and we have emerged as a dependable partner in the international trade sector.

Why Choose Us




Our team of seasoned professionals, backed by continuous training, delivers efficient and high-quality services.

We are here to support your business development, helping you to seamlessly navigate all aspects of international trade, safely and securely.